2 months since I posted here! Gotta be the longest I've gone with out blogging anything right? And it's not like I haven't had something to blog about. There have been lots of changes in our little world. Some good....well all good really. Lets see.....
Mr. X and I survived our first deployment. He left mid Sept and got back the day before Thanksgiving. it wasn't a full 6 month deployment but the longest by far that we had been apart since the day we met. It was wierd not having him around and having to do everything myself but we survived and the day he came home was bittersweet. He looked pretty good in that uniform too...LOL
At the end of October we moved into a new house. The day before closing I also managed to fall at work and injure my tailbone. Needless to say it made packing/moving interesting but I have an amazing set of friends who helped the whole way. We would have never made it with out them! We love the new house too and the amount of space we now have. This is by far the biggest house I've ever lived in so it's taken some adjustment but not one I'll complain about.
In November, jsut before Mr. X returned home I quit my job. The job I've had for the last 7 1/2 years i walked out on. Not exactly in the most professional way but I did what I had to. Things were already stressful before the tailbone injury. After the fall it got 10x's worse. Between that, the kids, the house, and an impending homecoming I was stressed beyond my max and something had to go. While I'm sure several people would love my kids or house I don't think Mr. X would have appreciated me letting them go. It's been an adjustment not working anymore but honestly, the BEST decision I have ever made.
At the beginning of December, the 1st actually, we had our big ultrasound for baby bean. Hard to believe we're 24 weeks as of today!! Anyways, we found out that our little tie breaker is a GIRL! Yes we have a name for her but we are keeping it to ourselves for now. No worries, only a few more weeks till everyone will know. LOL
The big knews though is that just a few days later Mr. X and I tied the knot. Yes, we got married! I'll do a seperate post with all the details fo that since this one is rather long as it is but it is definitely a story all our own. I always told everyone that it would be a "Guess what we did today" moment and it was exactly that.
Life as a married woman has been interesting and it's only been just over a week. I love my rings and try not to stare at them TOO often. Mr. X likes to spoil me though so they are beautiful. Anyways, more on that later.
Guess thats it for now.