Saturday, June 6, 2009

Bandana Shirt / Dress

I had seen this online weeks ago and then when I was at Wally world saw this red/white/blue theme bandana and thought....hmmm perfect for July 4th!! And since we're going camping that weekend I want to have something cute but something I didn't pay a small fortune for either. So I did this. Now, I have another idea which I'll probably post in the next few days but for now....the bandana shirt.

It's made from 2 bandanda's and 2 strips of ribbon. It took me maybe 10 minutes to put together and I think turned out really cute. On my almost 6 year old it fits like a shirt. I can see where it would work as a dress though for younger girls maybe with some cute bloomers under it.

Monkey was happy to model it for you too!



You can find specific directions for making this HERE. Total cost to make it about $1.50 as I got the bandana's 2/$1 and only used a small portion of the ribbon. Not bad! I'm gonna pick up more bandana's today. I have an idea for a halter style shirt and then I want to figure out something for Toots as well in the holiday theme. So stay tuned!

1 comment:

Heidi Totten said...

Can't you just make a bunch for me? :)


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