Friday, November 14, 2008

Ready for the Holidays?

I wish I could be one of those people who planned all through the year for the holidays. And when i say that I really mean buying Christmas gifts and plannign travel. That is so not me though. I am a total procrastinator. Well, maybe not entirely. I have a very hard time getting things for the kiddo's and not giving it to them right away. I mean, I bought Monkey's new bike for her birthday ON HER BIRTHDAY. I couldn't be trusted to get it before then. LOL This year will be no exception. I know what I'm doing for Monkey and Mr X. Those will get ordered at the end of the month. I'll just need to find a place to hide them for the 3 weeks till Christmas. Its going to be very hard to keep it mum though. Have I mentioned I talk in my sleep. Wait, maybe i shouldn't mention it. Now I'm goign to be woken by Mr. X whose trying to get me to tell him in my sleep. Ugh.....holidays.

I do love them though. I wish that my kids could experience the type of holidays I grew up with. Ones where our entire family got together at my grandma's house for good food and fun times together. The kids played with the toys that Grandma found at the local thrift shops. Barbies and Lincoln Logs galore! The adults usually ended up in a game of penny poker as we all nibbled on the sweet treats still set out like Grandma's fudge. The food was always amazing. Grandpa's mouth waters thinking of it. Pickled eggs, green bean casserole, potato's with gravy. Ok, i gotta stop my tummy just growled. The biggest thing though was just the happiness and fun. Maybe I missed any issues but it always seemed like everyone has such a good time. The laughter and contentment is what I remember most. Ya, it was crowded but it was worth it. My kids will probably never experience that unless it's when they are older and have kids of their own and we all get together. I hope that we do! It's one holiday tradition i would love to establish again.

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